Monday, January 19, 2009

Days off

So today was mlk day and i had the day off. Over all it was a good day. Ive had so much homework latly but since Sarah has helped me it has been a little less hard. Sarah is another subject that is like a dream. Sarah is so great to me and great for me. Sh has been there for me and i have for her. But anyway I spent alot of time watching movies and hangin out with here.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today started off ok but then i woke up to go to work. Taco hell is the worst place to work on the planet. Today was better than last night there but it still was shitty. Then when i got home to get cleaned up; Sarah called as i was walkin the the house. Which was awesome to hear from her. Then my mom came home and oked that i go to a komets game; which was awesome they won 6-2. But before i left for the game my parents started lecturing me as usal. So now i am here after the game thinkin bout sarah and new years is just another day.